Hi Catanains,
in our Dev update VI we want to talk about how we are currently addressing the most reported issues.
Week Jan. 2nd - Jan. 8th
Our team did resolve a remaining issue with the database that involved game sessions to create a huge workload on the servers even after all clients closed that game session. We are seeing a steady and good performance of the servers since then.
Our team also started to work on client updates that will focus on reconnecting to games as well as how the game detects if a player is offline or online.
Week Jan 9th. - Jan. 15th
Our QA team is currently testing the changes made to the clients in an internal test. Our focus is to resolve issues with games not proceeding properly after one or more of the clients did disconnect. We are also focussing on improving how gracefully a client can reconnect to a game after a short disconnect.
We also took another look at our account migration and are currently testing a fix there which should help the remaining accounts to finally migrate to our new database. We will let you know once this fix has been added to the servers.
On top of this, our team is currently looking into a possible connection between certain accounts and matchmaking issues for Auto- and Custommatches. These investigations only started yesterday. That is why we canĀ“t present any conclusions yet but we will be able to give more info on that in next week's Developer Update.
As you can see our team is currently tackling the biggest issues and we are looking forward to releasing a new client after we tested the changes successfully. Please keep in mind that testing changes on those important functions takes some time. Once testing is finished we will let you know when to expect the rollout of the update.