Hi Catanians,
In this week's developer update, we want to focus on how you can reach out to us to get assistance. And shed some light on the issues we are currently facing which are hindering this week's release of a client update.
Last Week Jan 23rd - Jan 29th
Our dev team is closing in on the underlying issue of the host switching system, which causes many of the issues in multiplayer you experience once one player leaves a match. In short, the host of a game is making sure the game is progressing in order. If there is an issue with the host switch, you can see games getting stalled or the A.I. not responding. This also can affect the display of trades or the ability to trade in the game.
To resolve these issues, the host switch is getting rewritten to work properly with the new backend in several edge-case scenarios. This also affects the clients' behavior when it comes to reconnecting to games in general, an issue that we’ve been working on optimizing in the last weeks. Both topics are interconnected and depend heavily on each other.
This Week Jan 30th - Feb 5th
Right now it is our plan to create a combination of improvements we mentioned above to have a more substantial impact on your experience with online games. Unfortunately, this means that we will need more time before we can release since as described above there are a lot of dependencies and even more test cases to go through. As we tested, we still found issues, e.g. when the turn timer runs out while a player is reconnecting to a game, and we will address these first before the release.
We increased our efforts to get in touch with our Catanians directly on Discord to help out with individual issues. We want to encourage everyone to reach out to us there and we will do our best to resolve issues and collect feedback via this channel. We want to thank any Catanian who already made use of our Discord Server to get in touch with us since your feedback already is helping us immensely.